
Rosary Group
The Rosary group meet once a month usualy on the last Wednesday at 7pm in the meeting room , We have a Scripture reading and then recite one mystery of the Rosary. All are welcome just come along.

Flower Group
The Flower Group, set up to organise the floral arrangements in church, was formed in 1990. At present, ten ladies are involved, some from the original group. We meet socially three times a year in order to plan for the forthcoming months. On average, each person is responsible for choosing and arranging the flowers for the main altar and the entrance table about four times a year.
Our most recent joint venture was at Easter when the church was decorated with white lilies, kindly donated by parishioners in memory of loved ones. Being a member of the Flower Group is a very enjoyable way of helping to enhance the beauty of our church. New volunteers are made very welcome, and help is given if required.

Prayer Group
The Prayer Group started several years ago when about eight of us followed a course called ‘Praying Alone and Together’ by Arthur R. Baranowski. This gave us examples of different ways of praying, some familiar and some that were new for many of us. Each meeting left us with things to think about until the next time. I believe we all found it helpful in different ways and we decided to continue.