Baptism is the beginning of a lifelong journey and a growing and deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, who also invites parents to make their own new faith commitment through the Baptism of their child/ren.
We’d like to explain how the Baptism team supports parents, godparents and other family members to prepare for this sacrament.
Your first enquiry:
The first step is to contact our Parish Administrator via [email protected] Or [email protected]
They will begin to complete the Baptism Request form with you and pass on your details to the facilitators of our Baptism preparation sessions.
First visit via zoom or in person:
A member of the Baptism team will follow up your enquiry to explain about our preparation arrangements and to answer any questions that you might have.
Three preparation sessions:
Parents are the first and most important teachers to help their children understand and grow in following Jesus as Catholic Christians. To help you, we ask that you participate in our Baptism for Life programme for families. The sessions are currently held on Saturday mornings via Zoom between 10.30 and 11.30. The sessions may also be held face to face in a small group.
The sessions cover important topics that parents need to think about when asking for Baptism. They will include a ‘walk through’ the sacrament of Baptism and the meaning behind all the baptismal symbols.
Taking part in Sunday Mass
An important part of Baptism preparation is joining the parish family for the 11.00 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady’s
We ask that you do this as a family so that we can share the experience together. While Covid limitations are in place you could also join via the internet. See the Parishes website for links to live Masses, which are also recorded.

“And remember I am with you always to the end of the age”. Mt. 28:20
For further information, please contact St. Vincent’s. Tel: 0161 439 3573 or 0161 456 9405